Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Volleyball and Girls night

So Amy and her family were here for the weekend and Friday we all went to an early breakfast at Granny Annies and afterwards finally met and played some volleyball. Later when everyone got off work we had dinner and later the boys took the kids while us sisters and mother had a little girls night. Though I couldn't talk anyone into doing some toilet papering we decided to go bowling. While waiting for our lanes we did the arcade games. I ranked in some serious tickets just pushing a button while Hollie jumped her way to hers. We finally got our lanes and the game began. I think Brandi came out with the highest score.
After we went back to the house and did some just dance. I think I could've done it all night. Amy if you can tell was a little sleepy. We had lots of fun. Jody should have pictures from the volleyball earlier.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Please don't get me cows!!!!

So, on Sunday Braxton wanted to stay outside and play and not come in for conferece. The deal was if he would go get the soccer ball out of the cows area he could. Watching the first little bit I made Josh get my camera. Poor guy! It truly was hilarious though!!! I have no idea why he's scared/terrified of the animals. The first time is when some cows got out of the field behind Jeffs and Steve, Josh, and I had to get them back in. I can't remember where everyone was but they were all out of town. I put Brax on the ground so I could go faster and he just froze and started to shake horribly. Poor man!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Old but still Fiesty!!!

So when Josh got home we pulled out the clippers and decided it was time to trim betty's beak and nails. When we were done she figured it was time to go on the attack and Josh played along. The kids thought it was the funniest thing and Betty loved it. It was fun to see Betty somewhat back to her old self.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fun at the Fair.

So on Wednesday I decided to take the kids to the fair. It was a nice sunny day. Perfect. When we first got there we walked around the booths and then got some lunch. After we decided to go ride some rides. Braxton got his pick first and then it was Kennas. I didn;t think they were to harmless until on the hearts swing and watching poor thoughts were wow this is a long ride when is he going to stop. When I started to get a little more nervous I walked towards the guy and the ride I swear went for 2 more minutes of pure nervousness. Finally when it stopped and the kids came walking out Kenna with a big grin and poor Brax with a sad frown all he could say was my tummy hurts and then I saw the throw-up on his shirt. Luckily we were able to clean it up. They then went down the big slide and it was off to the next and last ride. This was a lot shorter in that on this Braxton's stomach wasn't so easy and there was a lot more throw-up. So much I had to take off his shirt and go home for the day. Did I mention Kenna was very proud the rides she chose made braxton sick. Poor guy who had to clean it up. lol

Monday, June 23, 2008

Bug Bites and Big Messes.

So I had to show you all the lovely effects of a but bite on Braxton. If you can't tell he has a nice one on his lip. He also has one on his eye, a cluster of 4 on his rib cage, and one on each arm. We don't know if it's a mosquito bite or if one of the spiders from willard stowed-away in his towel and got a little hungry. Poor guy.
So at work in order to make special order cakes you have to cut down tubs of ice cream and in order to do that we have this thing we call a tub cutter. It's a metal half circle with a razor blade and a thin metal wire. Well, sometimes this wire (or should I say a lot) will break. For some reason it never breaks when I'm able to brace myself, but whenever I'm struggling to pull it through a very frozen tub the darn thing snaps sending me backwards into the cupboard. Before the remodel we would fall on the dipping cabinets. Now we have a nice space for the decorating stuff. Nice for organizing,sucks for cushioning the blow. At first it was only a one shelfer(traci was the first to knock it down though, and boy did I laugh at her not knowing the pain). I have have now upped her and took down two shelves. Kind-a embarrasing-yet funny when people asked how I got the bruise on my arm. They haven't seen the one on my bum and nor will they!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What to do with little boys???

So I know I haven't blogged about easter yet, but I will I promise. So, anyways yesterday Braxton, Kenna, and I were just relaxing and watching a show on TV when Braxton started to choke. That has probably got to be one of the worst feelings. I leaned him forward and he started to throw-up. For anyone who knows me knows that I can handle the blood but throw-up...OH NO!!! I remembering parking my car until Josh got home to clean up the throw-up. Well brax threw up all over my blanket. When I asked what he swallowed he said money. In the little spooge of vomit was a shiny vomit covered nickle. Memories of hearing about Hunter, Amanda's little boy, and his primary childrens visit came rushing back. Totally scary. After cleaning up the mess I put him in the shower. Oh my gosh I swear the night was never going to end. He tried to shave is lip. What a lovely straight line he did get though. Later that night while in the kitchen I told him he couldn't have something and he started jumping up and down throwing a nice temper tantrum and smacked his eye on the corner of the counter top. He now has a small mouse on the side of his eye. Needless to say I think that may have helped in how well he slept last night.LOL! I guess a lot of the comments I get is...He's definitly Josh's. Need I say more.PS. Speaking of which Josh comes home this weekend! Very excited to see him.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!